Bee-Bee has been adopted!

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Animal Details
11Mths 4Wks (approx) old Domestic Short Hair Mix
Weight: 8.48 lbs
Sex: Spayed Female
Location: Animal Community Center - Milpitas
I've been adopted!
About me
My personality is as vibrant as my mixed fur colors! I'm extremely playful and will play with anything! This also means Ineed someone with a lot of patience to tell me your hair, cords, plants etc are not toys... my foster is teaching me fetch and twist-ties are my favorite to return. If you're able to tire me out my current favorite place to nap is next to your head where I can sneak in some cheek kisses and let you listen to my purr motor. I'm the chillest cat when introduced to your other pets, but would do best in a home where someone can match my energy output. I'm an independent spirited kitten who is excited to explore and play with you all day long.