Flower has been adopted!

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Animal Details
2Yrs 5Mths 2Wks old German Shepherd Mix
Weight: 66.4 lbs
Sex: Spayed Female
Location: Animal Community Center - Milpitas
I've been adopted!
About me
My adoption fee has been sponsored by the Lee family in memory of Teegan.

Flowers fantastic facts:

Potty Trained
Crate trained.
Master co-pilot. Loves car rides.
Loves to snuggle. She prefers to be the little spoon.
Perfect house guest.
Loves water. Playing in the backyard.
Knows how to sit. Stay.

Flower will be the Barney to your Fred, the Robin to your Batman, and the Gromit to your Wallace. Flower's loyalty, devotion, and funny antics make her the perfect side kick. You will never have to guess what Flower is thinking as she will tell you what she wants. If she's looking for some snuggles, she will lean into you, or just sit on your feet. She even give you nose boops when she wants more pets, or to keep the pets coming her way.

Flowers best life would be with a person(s) who likes to go on road trips and explore new places together. A person who can also appreciate that sometimes life gets busy and it's ok just to stop for a minute and roll around in the grass. Being couch potatoes together and maximizing snuggles would also be welcomed.

Do I sound like the right girl for you? Come and meet me today!

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