Walter has been adopted!

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Animal Details
4Yrs 5Mths 1Wks old Large Terrier Cross Mix
Weight: 78.4 lbs
Sex: Neutered Male
Location: Animal Community Center - Milpitas
I've been adopted!
About me
Personality: Walter is a boy with a big head and a big heart. He may look tough but in actuality, he is a little shy with new people and just needs some time and space to warm up. Walter enjoys going on long walks where he can sniff everything and anything. Walter is looking for an adult-only home where he can get snuggles and love that he craves.

History: Walter was surrendered to us by his previous owner who wasn't able to provide for him any longer.

Dog Skills: Walter can be a little stiff when meeting new dogs, but as long as other dog is wiggly and loose, he will quickly relax and go on a walk together. He prefers his own space and would do great as an only dog.

Cat Skills: Will chase cats.

Leash Skills: Walter pulls on leash when he is excited but walks great on front-clip harness and is learning loose leash walking.

My care has been sponsored by Betsy Preciado!!

Are you ready to meet Walter? Schedule an appointment