Gvinah has been adopted!

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Animal Details
2Yrs 4Mths 2Wks (approx) old Domestic Short Hair Mix
Weight: 7.9 lbs
Sex: Spayed Female
Location: Animal Community Center - Milpitas
I've been adopted!
About me
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I'm Gvinah, a majestic feline queen, and I'm thrilled to share my purr-fect story with you. It all began when I brought six adorable little furballs into this world. I'm a social butterfly (or should I say, social cat?) and adore seeking attention from my humans. Whether it's jumping onto their lap for a good head scratch or cuddle session, or simply basking in their affection, I thrive on their affection. I'm not just a lap cat - oh no! I have a wild side too! I enjoy perching myself at the window, watching the birds flit about outside, and letting out a cheerful chirp or two to express my excitement.